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Traditional Chinese Medicine believes subtle energy flows through our body, along meridian lines. Excess or deficiency of energy in any one or more of these meridians, or blockages at certain points, results in unbalanced condition of the body, what we call in today’s terminology a disease.

The method of applying, pressure to specific points on the skin, with the aim of correcting such blockages and imbalances is Acupressure. It stimulates the body’s natural powers of recuperation, eliminating fatigue producing elements and promoting general good health. (Also see Shiatsu, the Japanese method of Acupressure).

We regret this service is no longer available.
Try our Royal Siamese Massage that combines the ancient techniques of Thai Massage of the ancient courtiers and nobility of Kingdom of Siam, which also includes many Pressure points. 650 Baht for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Only with appointment, for more information detailsCall - Ms Paveena, 086-3921164, 038-420357(10:30 -15:30) or Email




* Euro Rate are approximate & only for reference.