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Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, flavanoids etc., are very essential for maintaining perfect health. Fresh Fruit Juices, provide plenty of them, in natural, absorbable form. Where western medicines have failed, to cure, Fresh Fruit Juice therapy has shown miraculous results. The juices, do not tax the digestive system, but provide the necessary nutrients in plenty. Fresh Fruit Juices are live juices, providing the boost to Immune system, Circulatory system, Sexual libido, cure ailments of kidney, liver etc. Many Naturopaths have cured different type of Cancers with only fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions and there is no better therapy than Juice therapy for weight loss, without harmful side effects. In fact not only does body weight gets controlled, other metabolic functions are also normalized, giving the “PERFECT HEALTH”.

We have seen astonishing results, with Juice therapy for problems like, allergies, migraine, insomnia, anemia and so on, (the list is so long), at our health center. Make Fresh Organic Juices, a part of your daily life, the feel the new Energy and Zest in your life.

A variety of health Juices are served at our Health Center, for details, see the PDF file.  Click here to download

All Juices are made fresh when ordered. So kindly allow about 15 minutes to prepare and serve you fresh,  live, invigorating fruit juices, free from preservatives and artificial coloring.

For guests, undertaking Package Therapies &Treatments, other juices will be served, according to their requirements.

* Euro Rate are approximate & only for reference.