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The word “Reiki” means Universal Energy. “REI” describes the Universal, boundless aspect of the energy; while “KI” being the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings.

This is the Usui System of Natural Healing, for both the body and soul. The benefits are many, including, Balancing the Energy and Chakras in our Body, Heal diseases holistically, Increase Creativity, Release Stress, Overcome difficult emotions, etc.
At our Health center, we undertake only Distance Healing Reiki Sessions. The guest, fills a consent form, leaves a photograph of his/her or anybody else whom Reiki Healing is to be sent, with the required payment. REIKI, is holy, positive, healing, so cannot be requested to do harm to anybody.

We regret this programme is temporarily NOT AVAILABLE

For more information/details Call - Ms Paveena, 086-3921164, 038-420357 (10:30 -15:30) or Email